
Friday, March 25, 2016

Responsibilities of UCRP Precinct Officers and Delegates

by Candace Salima | 25 March 2016

The Precinct Chair and Vice Chair are both members of the County Central Committee and are expect to attend quarterly meetings. Precinct chairs serve as state and county delegates; precinct vice chairs serve as county delegates (the chair or vice chair may choose to vacate his delegate seats and put them in the delegate pool to be filled by others). Precinct officers should hold regular meetings with their precincts; help keep their constituents informed by sending email updates, distributing literature and encouraging caucus attendance; receive input from the precinct; and help get out the vote. The Precinct Chair fills all vacancies by appointment. 

The Precinct Secretary provides notice of meetings, prepares agenda, credentials attendees, and takes minutes.

The Precinct Treasurer receives donations, accounts for them, and relays them to the county party treasurer.

State Delegates are expected to vet all candidates whose elections are decided at the state convention, which include federal representatives and senators, Governor, Auditor, State Treasurer, and Attorney General. State representatives and senators whose legislative districts do not lie entirely within the county, when their terms are up for re-election. They are to attend the State Convention once during the year of their two-year term.

County Delegates are expected to vet all candidates whose elections are decided at the county convention, which include state representatives and senators whose legislative districts lie entirely within the county, County Commissioners, Assessor, Attorney, Clerk/Auditor, Record, Sheriff, Surveyor, and Treasurer, when their terms are up for re-election. They are to attend the County Convention once during each year of their two-year term.

Vetting Candidates: There is no better way to get to know a candidate's views and character than to ask them questions in person and get their answers in person and in small-group settings. This is the best part of our delegate process. Candidates could not possibly meet every voter, but it is usually possible to meet every delegate. Other methods include: reviewing the candidate's website and reading all materials that are mailed and emailed to you; scrutinizing voting records (if available); attending meet-the-candidate events and debates; and listening to speeches. Be sure to provide good contact information and check your email regularly.

Central Committee Meetings: These are for Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs, Steering Committee members, Legislative District officers, and elected officials. Central Committee meetings are usually held on Saturday mornings at a school within the county. They usually start at 9:00 a.m., but you  must arrive early in order to be credentialed to vote in the meeting and to be counted present. At these meetings, important decisions are made about the operations of the Utah County Republican Party such as: the content of our Party Platform, Constitution and Bylaws (rules); and how donations to the party are spent. It is very important that both the precinct chair, vice chair and county delegates represent their precinct at these meetings.

Resigning from a delegate position: Please do not run if you know you cannot fulfill the duties. If for some reason, after you're elected, you find you are unable to continue, you can resign and be replaced. Your neighbors will appreciate not losing their representation. Send an email to the Party Secretary and your Precinct Chair (as a courtesy, please carbon copy your District Chair). The Precinct Vice Chair automatically takes the place of a Precinct Chair that has resigned. All other offices and delegate seats are replaced by the Precinct Chair.

Questions or Suggestions: Please visit the county party website or contact a party officer. Your questions and suggestions are welcome! Thank you again for your willingness to serve.

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